Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Day 6

My alarm went off today and I wasn't ready to get up yet. It was not such a good night of sleep for me, and I wasn't really ready to start my day yet. So I hit snooze and slept about 1/2 hour more. When I woke up my first thought that entered my head was oh, boy I wish I would have slept better last night. There was a lot of things I needed to cross off my list today.

Before I even finished that thought my "happy buzz" returned to me. I got up, put on some clothes went downstairs to get my daughters lunch and breakfast ready, but my husband beat me to it. We woke her up (this was a very unusual morning, we don't make a habit of waking a sleeping kid) and got ready for school.  Today was a special day. I knew for sure that the ageLOC vitality was giving me the lift I've heard so much about.

The feeling is just amazing, I know I can move mountains if I need to. Everything seems brighter even on this gloomy day. I feel tuned in, and energetic and clear about what the day had ahead for me. It didn't seem impossible to get all of my "to do" list accomplished, as a matter of fact I was ready.

My regular schedule is usually: get up with my daughter, make a cup of coffee, watch Curios George with her, make another cup of coffee, wander around the kitchen overwhelmed already by what needs to get done in just the kitchen. Get my daughters breakfast ready, unload the dishwasher, fill the dishwasher clean up all of the stuff she dragged all over the house already. Go upstairs, make her bed, make our bed, get us both dressed. Back downstairs for one last clean up of the mess she made while I was getting myself dressed. Take the dog for a walk, fill his food and water, pack snacks and another clean up in the family room and kitchen. Of course while all of this is going on the phone probably rang 4 or 5 times.

Today I was up, I had my workout clothes on and I'm ready to go, the dog's food and water done. Wrestle a toddler who doesn't want to go to school, while getting her dressed. Is that a problem? Nope not today, let's go get your milk ready so I can tell you the story about the princess who didn't want to go to school one day, and how wonderful her day at school ended up being. OK, soon enough everyone is on board for a good day of school. The rain started right when I dropped her off, is that a problem? Nope not today, it seems like a wonderful day to be a little earthy. As a matter of fact I can even workout a little harder because of the cool air. After I got back from my walk, while multi-tasking with all of the calls to set up the rest of the day, it was time to jump in the shower, but not before taking a few returned phone calls. Try to through a curve ball at me world, game on! All of the bad news phone calls ended up working out great. (maybe it had something to do with how I responded?) Oh yeah, before I get in the shower I should get those wet sheets off my daughters bed now, and start the wash. Shoot now I only have 30 min. to shower, shave, dry & style my hair get dressed and put on some make up and pick up my Mother-n-law who is notorious for being late. I arrived at my lunch-in, on time give or take a minute, eager to meet some people who I talked with and see some people who I know. At this point I would usually feel stressed and exhausted, not eager, but not today! Today I'm ready.

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